Our Agencies Work Through Regional Networks
In addition to providing insurance solutions through our specialty programs, AmeriTrust operates a select group of wholesale and retail agencies, accessible through a number of regional distribution networks.

Providing Insurance Solutions through Specialty Programs
AmeriTrust Group has been developing and managing specialty property and casualty insurance programs for more than 50 years. Program business is generally defined as insurance products targeted to a particular niche market or industry class, representing a book of similar (homogeneous) risks or accounts.

Interline Insurance Services
Interline Insurance Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ameritrust Group, is the Managing General Agent for Ameritrust Group’s premiere trucking program. Our program, operating for more than three decades, targets local, intermediate and state-wide transportation companies hauling non-hazardous commodities. With a concentrated focus on safety and professionalism, this preferred program seeks to provide “A” rated protection to independent owner-operators, non-fleet and fleet operations that proactively manage their business and in turn help stabilize premiums for everyone in the program. Our program is available on the west coast for risks based in AZ, CA, NV, OR and WA and in the upper Midwest for risks based in MN, OH and WI. Interline brokers earn more because they close more. Put our experienced underwriters to work for you.

Commercial Carriers Insurance Agency (CCIA)
Commercial Carriers Insurance Agency has been meeting the unique needs of the transportation industry since 1979. Based in La Palma, California, the experienced agents have the knowledge to develop customized insurance solutions geared for their transportation customers. They can provide everything the client needs under one roof, including bi-lingual services, which are very vital in the geographical area they support.

Mackinaw Underwriters, Inc.
Mackinaw Underwriters provide both surplus lines and admitted market solutions. Our intent is to be an asset to your current marketing efforts and help you find the right carrier and coverage for your client.